
Sparque Features Available in the Plugin

The following table lists all SPARQUE features provided through the plugin:




Shopware 6 integration

SPARQUE back office Add additional data sources Configure your product discovery. Set searchandizing, view analytics and reporting, and tweak results. Upload structured and unstructured data. Create your own AI algoritms. Connect your application to your own configured APIs check mark
Build your own algorithms check mark
Build your own APIs check mark
Full-text search Product names Use various search methods such as BM25, standard search through product names, descriptions, matching EAN/SKU, products within categories, or build your own search algorithm that fits your context best. check mark
Product descriptions check mark
Article numbers (EAN / SKU) check mark
Category names check mark
Product attributes check mark
Fault-tolerant search Common spelling mistakes Do not frustrate your users with mismatched results. SPARQUE tackles the most common spelling mistakes. Index by plurals and singulars or even do a fuzzy search. Help your users find what they are looking for. check mark
Auto completions check mark
Full text indexing check mark
Plurals and singulars check mark
Fuzzy search check mark
Suggestions Category suggestions Extend your search bar with personalised suggestions. check mark
Product suggestions check mark
Keyword suggestions check mark
Searchandizing Synonyms Ingest lists of keywords that function as synonym, alternatives, or stopwords. check mark
Alternative words check mark
Stopwords check mark
Persuasive merchandising Fixed facets Define the facets you want or have them dynamically generated by related product attributes or categories. Set custom sorting. check mark
Dynamic facets check mark
Sorting check mark
Personalized rankings Cart sensitivity Boost search results based on individual purchase history, brand preferences, customer profiles, or even the current cart items. check mark
Criteria weight adjustment check mark
Purchase history check mark
Brand preference check mark
Recommendations Best sold Take your recommendations to the next level. Most standard scenarios, such as top-selling or viewed, frequently purchased together, new, related, or even similar items, are available right out of the box. check mark
Frequently bought together check mark
New check mark
Related check mark
Similar check mark
Channel-specific catalogs Standard check mark
Localization & Internationalization Multi-language check mark
Multi-locale check mark

Excluded features may be developed, but are not yet included in the plugin.

Shopware Plugin Features

Search Bar (Suggestions)

Replacement of the standard suggest list with SPARQUE-powered suggestions:

  • For products
  • For categories
  • For keywords

For all of the above categories, the following can be set:

  • Priority/order of display
  • Toggle on/off completely
  • Limit the number of displayed results

The behavior and display of the suggest (groups) can be controlled in the plugin settings.

Recommendation (Sliders)

Product recommendations based on input parameters:

  • Slider used on the product detail page
    • Current product number
  • Slider used on the category page
    • Current category ID
  • Customer ID (if available/logged in)
  • Custom CMS component for SPARQUE-powered sliders
  • Support for individual strategy assignment on each included slider. Allows different content within the same page.

Search Result Page

  • Replacement of the standard search result page
  • Filters, sorting, and pagination based on SPARQUE results
  • Support for dynamic filters (according to the result set)
  • Customized layout to support provided features