

Parameters can be passed using 'tuple-notation'. Tuple-notation allows to specify a set of tuples. Every tuple must have a score (probability) between 0 and 1.

Tuple-notation looks like:


This would yield a table with 2 columns and 2 rows, and each row having a score of 1.0.

Each tuple should consist of the same number of columns. Backslashes and double-quotes in values must be backslash-escaped.

When submitting a parameter which could hold multiple values, by default this is done by splitting on white-space. Using tuple-notation prevents this default splitting behaviour.


Use UTF-8 url-path-escaped values for all fields (strategy-name, parameter names, parameter values, facet names, facet operations, facet values). Make sure to use 'path-encoding' so that characters like '/' and '?' are also URL-encoded.



  • Upon a successful request the response is always a 200 response code.


  • Parse errors are returned with 400 response code. Usually a descriptive message is returned about why the request failed.


  • Unauthorized access yields a 403 response code.


  • Response codes 50x indicate that the underlying workspace is corrupted or the service is not functioning properly. Please contact the helpdesk in that case.

Short-hand Notation

To shorten URLs there are a few short-hands:

/endpoint/, /query/, /parameter/, can be written as /e/, /q/, /p/.