Select Match


Given list of [OBJ,OBJ] pairs, these are assumed to be the result of a mapping operation, with the first and second columns identifying the Source and Target of such mappings, respectively. This block selects the best (most likely) match for each OBJ in a column, if there are multiple candidates for a match. With the Group on parameter, the column to group on can be selected. All other pairs in the input will be discarded.


  • MAPPING [OBJ,OBJ]: the candidate matches


  • RESULT [OBJ,OBJ]: the best match for every item in the Grouped on column.


  • Group on: whether to group on the first column (Source) or the second column (Target).
  • Method: how to select the best match
    • Highest score: for each group, select the match with highest score
    • Quadratic-normalized highest score: for each group, consider only the first Normalization window size matches, normalize weights and select the highest score.