Match by Obj & Int-range


Finds matches using the provided object pairs and the integer ranges extracted from the objects in the left column of the inputs.


  • A [OBJ,OBJ]: a list of candidates in the first column, and object to match on in the second column
  • B [OBJ,OBJ]: a list of candidates in the first column, and object to match on in the second column


  • RESULT [OBJ,OBJ]: the matched objects from A and B
  • NOTA [OBJ]: the objects from A that did not match with an item from B
  • NOTB [OBJ]: the objects from B that did not match with an item from A


  • Comparison: Comparison function to use (overlaps, contains)
  • Exclude self-matches: whether to emit the match if the objects in A and B are the same. Mostly useful when A and B come from the same source