Rank by Date


Rank objects by the value of a date property compared to a given value.


  • SOURCE [OBJ]: the list of objects to rank


  • CLOSE [OBJ]: ranked objects, closest to the given value on top
  • FAR [OBJ]: ranked objects, furthest from the given value on top


  • Property: the date property to check. Use * to consider all properties.
  • Use sub-properties: when set to true, the values of all sub properties are also included. Sub-properties can be defined in the data with the rdfs:subPropertyOf relation.
  • Value: the value to compare each object's value against
  • Hard filter: optional hard filters to apply before ranking
    • No filter
    • Not later than Value
    • Not earlier than Value
  • Slope: positive value determining the slope of the ranking curve (which is a convex cusp). The higher the slope, the wider the ranking (i.e., the closer the resulting scores). Explicitly, at Slope many days away from the given date, the new rank is 0.5.