Concat [Obj,String]


Given two [OBJ,STRING] inputs, concatenate the strings per matching object.


  • LEFT [OBJ,STRING]: Left input
  • RIGHT [OBJ,STRING]: Right input


  • RESULT [OBJ,STRING]: the combined output
  • STRINGS [STRING]: only strings


  • Separator: string to use as a separator between the concatenated strings (Default is a space)
  • Coefficient LEFT input: Relevance coefficient to apply to LEFT (Warning: The sum of the two coefficient should sum up to 1.0)
  • Coefficient RIGHT input: Relevance coefficient to apply to RIGHT (Warning: The sum of the two coefficient should sum up to 1.0)
  • Combination
    • Disjunctive: objects must occur in at least 1 input (default)
    • Conjunctive : objects must occur in all inputs
  • Make all permutations: if true, concatenate both ways - LEFT+RIGHT and RIGHT+LEFT