Blocking math [Obj,Double]


Executes a free math expression on the values of the second column, for matching objects (according to the PAIRS input).

Warning: this block can fail if the expression is invalid (e.g., referring to a non available mathematical function), or if the expressions computes to invalid results (e.g., division by zero).


  • A [OBJ,DOUBLE]: a list of pairs
  • PAIRS: Pairs of A (first column) and B (second column) objects for which to compute the expression
  • B [OBJ,DOUBLE]: a list of pairs


  • RESA [OBJ,DOUBLE]: result of the operation, with matching objects from A
  • RESB [OBJ,DOUBLE]: result of the operation, with matching objects from B


  • Expression: the mathematical expression to compute
    • use $A and $B to refer to the values comings from inputs A and B
    • arithmetic operators and common mathematical functions can be used
    • the expression is evaluated by the database engine. See MonetDB Functions and Operators for a full list of functions and operators available.