Information that will help you to get started with Sparque.
Information on creating knowledge graphs from data sources, defining mappings with Sparque Language, and loading triples into Sparque's graph database.
Information on managing strategies using the Strategy Editor, connecting and configuring building blocks, setting API outputs, adding parameters, and creating stacked strategies for complex search tasks.
Information on managing APIs in Sparque Desk to connect strategies to your application.
Information on assessing strategy performance in Sparque Desk using testsets and evaluations.
Information on managing user permissions and roles.
Information on managing your account settings.
Information on using the Query API. Learn about endpoints, faceted search, response types, and request options.
The SPARQUE Shopware extension allows you to seamlessly integrate our powerful tools into your Shopware store, providing advanced data analytics and insights.
Information on Tuple-notation, encoding, error messages and short-hand notation.
Discover important terms and concepts used throughout Sparque Desk.